Investment Loans
Investment Loans
Rates and details on Enquiry
Good rates can still be found and this is what we do for you!
Professional Loans
Professional Loans
Rates and details on Enquiry
Loans are not exclusive to Professionals but standard rates are usually low variable BUT annual fees and similar are often charged. Loans will have other features such as discounted linked credit cards and other features as required. Professionals can obtain benefits such as No Loan Mortgage Insurance with conditions and usually to 90%. Not all lenders offer
Residential Loans
Residential Loans
Home Loans from 5.99% pa Variable*
Competitive Loans available to 95% but listing rates is difficult as there are many lenders available with differing assessment guidelines. Some lenders also add mortgage insurance to the loan amount which can push LVR up to 97% approx.
Some lenders charge annual fees, or monthly fees or none. Plus some lenders offer, at times, NO Application Fees, or NO Valuation Fees. We can check if deal is worthwhile and the best for our clients needs.
Need to be careful of some Lenders as a low rate is offered and may only be for a year, at the end of which it increases to regular rates
This is the assistance and help that I offer you to get a few of the best options to consider
*Rates listed are indicative